Saturday, April 9, 2011

World Cup 2011-What it means?

Even a week after winning the world cup, the memory of the moment remains fresh. It will linger for weeks to come. Apart from the fact that we won the biggest tournament, the win did a lot of other things which rarely happens to me or to my country.
It brought a sense of previously unmatched euphoria and a surreal satisfaction. Just imagine the calm that follows such feelings.
The joy contains a personal satisfaction of seeing the team win a jinxed tournament, something I longed for ages since I took over my senses. But more than that the euphoria had a collective quotient which made it extra special. Suddenly everyone is happy for real and the mind is without doubts. And we revel in each others joy.
It was a national catharsis made of a billion individual catharsis as if the winning shot, like a guillotine, killed the national pain and an unending wait at one stroke.
We need a lot more of them as an individual and a nation.

1 comment:

  1. Agree with you bro...and I am sure the Anti-corruption movement got a little help from this as India is becoming more united now :)
